Recursive Archive Extractor

Recursive Archive Extractor
Recursive Archive Extractor


Recursive Archive Extractor is a new open source project targeting easy extraction of archives inside a folder tree.

How to extract archives inside a complicated folder tree?

Till today, in order to extract several archive files inside a complicated folder tree, one would need to manually go into each folder containing archive files and extract them one by one, making sure not to forget a sub-sub folder in the way.


Now, with Recursive Archive Extractor, there is no need for the complications, just run this tool on your source folder tree and point it to a new target folder and the whole folder tree will be copied to the target folder “as-is” while the archives will be extracted to their own respected sub folders.

Which archive formats are supported ?


Source folder: folder1 -> subfolder ->


After running RAE, a target folder will be created with the following tree structure:

Target Folder: folder1 -> subfolder -> archive (folder) -> extracted files.

